Photo Caption: SAVE OUR MONUMENTS! My letter to Congress:

Natural Resources Committee
U.S. Congress

To Whom it May Concern:

My name is Tracy Lee and I am a Professional Photographer, a Social Media Consultant, and a concerned citizen. I run a very large photography group online and many of the 350,000 people in it spend much of their time in nature shooting photos of our precious National Treasures… You can only imagine how devastated we are to hear of Trump’s newest measure to reduce the National Monuments, GSENM & Bears Ears, because we love these places and we realize, this is only the beginning.. It has taken millions of years to create the things that will only take a few years to destroy if this is allowed to pass. If we want to leave any of the beauty in this world for our children, and our children’s children, we need to see that preserving these lands is important from both a cultural standpoint, and also from an environmental standpoint. The idea that movies like The Terminator or any of the other apocalyptic type of films can even come true was once scoffed at. But as issues like climate change and the cutting down of the rainforests is showing, this is only an all too real future possibility. Don’t you think it odd the amount of natural disasters that are increasing every single year?

I have serious love for these places that are threatened to be taken away. I know that many others in our country feel the same. We find solace, refuge, and mental well being as well as a sense of peace and understanding.. Urban environments, pollution, and noise, threaten the fabric of our existence and while I live in one of those places and I love it, I also know that at any moment, I can get away to my happy place and any anger, frustration, depression, and sadness I might have will slip away.

There is a negative domino effect on our society when we don’t protect the earth that we live in and respect her. We’ve only got one, and if we continue to be selfish and destroy it, where does that leave us in as little as 50 years.. Because in my mind, if we continue down this path of destruction that we are on, we may see the devastating movie ending in our very lifetime.

Tracy Lee

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